Last night, my dear sweet Carter slept without his heart and apnea monitor...with his doctor's approval, of course! He has been going without it during the days for a while now, but I was still nervous when I put him to bed. He did just fine, and we are so excited!
Also, this is the kids' last week at day care. While we have been happy at Building Blocks, we need to save money, and hiring a college aged nanny with helpers seemed to be a good idea. Also, it will save me at TON of time in the morning and evenings! Taking four babies in and out of day care is quite a chore, even with their staff help. My cousin Emily and a co-worker's daughters will be helping this summer as well. It will be nice for them to be at home. :)
Tomorrow I am taking the kids to my mom's. It will be great fun, I am sure. I am hopeful that the kids will sleep...if not, it will be quite the journey. Papa Rick hasn't seen the babies in quite awhile, nor has Uncle Greg. I am sure that time will present itself.
This is a picture of the kids at 3 months. It is by the courtesy of Genelli's photo studio in Sioux City that we have it.