Monday, July 5, 2010
Theisen Family Multiples

Dance Party USA
Recently my friends pointed out that my blog could use some work. So, I decided to update the site with a few videos and pictures.
The AEA continues to monitor the development of the kids, and seriously, they are doing great. They are "caught up" in every area, and even ahead in some! We are totally jazzed about it.
We took the kids swimming last week at the neighbor's house, and again yesterday at aunt Marilyn's house. If I get some pictures, I'll post them. Promise! Also, last week we had a Theisen (my mom's dad's) family reunion. While we didn't have t-shirts made this time, or a cookbook made, it was fun. I also discovered that there are a lot more multiples in the family! So, my words of advice to my Theisen relatives: beware or be multiplied. I am pretty sure I had the best looking quads there. :)
The first video is of Lily rocking to Madonna (her personal favorite) and then the kids grooving to "Under Pressure." The last video is just random with all the kids yelling "AAAHHHH!" They do it all the time, and they think they are hilarious. Well they are. After all, they are MY kids. :)
By the way, if you watch the videos, you'll see my house is a mess. I stopped caring about 17 months ago. Also, Lily doesn't end up falling off the sofa like you think she will.