I feel so good that we have made it this far, and we have only 11 weeks to go (as long as the babies stay where they are supposed to!) It was two weeks ago today that my doctor told me to change my plans and to go to Omaha right away for monitoring and the surgery. While the time hasn't gone too slowly, it hasn't flown by, either.
During the day I am working for the diocese as much a s possible. Today has been a very productive day in that regard. I have many summer camp items that I must take care of before the baby world hits. Therefore, I make it a point not to turn on the TV except during lunch. Which, by the way, is very hard, as my brother has a super sweet 40 inch high def TV. Colin Firth never looked so good.
It is weird to think that I won't be at home for three months. But I sure don't miss doing the housework! That will be hard to get back into.
My sisters, Sarah and Renee, made me a "bed rest kit" to help me occupy my time. It included puzzle books, novels, cards, and much more fun stuff. The best was the pocket Tetris. Man that is a good game.
The babies are moving more and more. I would have to say that Baby D (the one on top) is the most active. He just kicked right now...must have known I was talking about him. Baby C is always trying to steal the camera time during ultrasounds (like aunt Sarah), Baby B is a modest little girl, but she fights back when Baby D kicks her. Baby A, however, is the lowest, and therefore the last to get food and is smallest. But I am pretty sure that Baby A knows that he will be born first, and is waiting to receive redemption in "He who is last shall be first."
Kevin is coming to visit tonight and will stay through Thursday. I can't wait to see him.
Well, back to work! Love and peace to you.
Hey Man... after assembling the best Bed Rest Kit EVER, you diss me by calling me a camera hog!
(Did I mention that Baby C is my favorite?)
Tetris IS the best game ever...always reminds me of Meme and her Game Boy from 1988...Glad to hear things are going well!!
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