Thursday, November 13, 2008

How lucky we are

I would never have guessed it, but I have to say that Kevin and I are truly blessed with this pregnancy. Sure, it is high risk from many angles, I am totally hormonal most of the time, and we don't know how we are going to afford to live as a family of six so quickly, but even so, we are lucky.

I have met many other women who are in a high risk pregnancy as well, and they have all gone through so much trouble...from getting pregnant, to maintaining the pregnancy, to severe complications. Though it seemed like that first year of our marriage would never lead to a baby, we didn't need to go through any evasive procedures to get pregnant. It only took one treatment for my issue, and bam! We had quads. I still remember hyperventilating in the ultrasound room, and Kevin trying to calm me down. That shock will never go away, but I see that shock as being a sign of the blessing to come now.

We are further blessed with an awesome brother, Phillip, and sister-in-law, Kelly, who have taken me into their home. Being so close to the hospital is awesome, and a great comfort. Philip hasn't gotten bored, yet, with filling my pitcher with ice water or making my meals. I try to keep out of their way, and Kevin and I hope to give them some time alone when he comes to visit once a week.

Today we had our weekly visit with the specialist. they measured every body part of every baby, and we are thrilled to say that they all look good! Their organs are functioning perfectly, and boy are they growing! Babies A, B, and C are 1.1 pounds, and D is 1.2 pounds. Their heartbeats are right where they should be, too.

At today's appointment, they measured my cervix, and it is up to 3.3 cm. (That's good news.)Before my surgery, it was 2.5 cm, so the cerclage was a success. My doctor also said I must be following my bed rest rules, too, in order for it to be that good.

The most exciting thing for me is that I can finally feel the babies move! It seems like it took forever to feel them , and now they are kicking me really good. The other night I had the phone to my belly so that Kevin could talk to them, and Baby C got all excited and kicked hard! Kevin was here Wednesday and today, and he had a number of opportunities to feel them move, too.

I hook up to a monitor for an hour every morning and an hour every evening. So far, I haven't had too many contractions. At least, nothing to worry about. One night I did have 4 in one hour, but I monitored again, and all was good. I had two this morning, too, but I can't really feel them yet...thank goodnesss.

Well, Philip is home, and I better harass him a little.

Have a great day!


Mary Jo LeGrand said...


What a great blog!

You crack me up and inspire me.

We are praying for you and Kevin and the little ones. How amazing that you can feel them kicking now!

For what it's worth, I think that you have a very competent cervix.


kas said...

Hi Jessica-
this blog is a great idea. I'm very excited for you and Kevin and both of your families!! You are doing what it takes and sounds like all four of the babies are healthy and happy!!
Miss you.

Tina Malm said...

It so good to hear that all is going good, I think that it is quite amazing that you know which is which in there and I know that feeling one baby is emotional and wonderful I can't imangine feeling four kicking. Keep up on your bed rest and when you run out of movies let me know!!!
Tina and the gang

Paula said...

Hi Jes,
I keep forgetting that I can't pick up the phone and see if you want to meet for lunch...
Glad to hear that everything is going well for you and the fab four. I like the blog idea so that I can keep track of your progress.
Might have to make a road trip down to Council Bluffs......

Helen said...

Thanks for doing this Jessica, it is so great it feels like we almost there. almost I say. You all are in our thoughts and prayers. I say all the time if anyone can handle this you and Kevin can. Keep up the Bed rest and if you need ANYTHING, tell Philip to get it for you. LOL
Hugs & Love
Helen & Vinnie