Friday, January 30, 2009
Good Bye Panel Pants
I was quite surprised this morning to find that I could fit back into my regular clothes. Of course, they don't fit the same, but that doesn't matter to me! It's the small things that really matter.
When Kevin was here this week, the babies primary nurse decided it was time to have our first full family picture. First we had Kevin holding all the babies, and then I took Logan and Carter for another picture. The other picture is Kevin and I taking a nap (obviously) in between feedings. While we don't really "feed" them, we prepare them for their feedings, and that is when we hold them, too.
The babies are all gaining weight regularly. Here are their current weights:
Seth is 3 pounds 10 ounces
Lily is 3 pounds 5 ounces
Logan is 3 pounds 9 ounces
Carter is 3 pounds 15 ounces
My incision is healing quite well. I still have the wound vac...they think it will be all healed in two more weeks. Woo hoo!
I want to take some time here to thank Heelan High School in Sioux City. This week they had a fundraiser, and the students chose our family to be the recipient of the funds raised. The project leader, Ms. Linda Guy, called me tonight to tell me that they will be presenting Kevin and I with a check for $700!! How incredibly awesome is that? We just can't thank them enough....seriously. All we can offer them right now is prayers of thanksgiving and blessing.
Well, it is time for me to get back to my darling babies.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Grandpa La Fleur Visits Us!
Today Grandpa La Fleur made a visit from Jefferson, SD to see us all! He got to hold Carter, and see the other prescious babies as well! It was so awesome to have him here...I missed him for sure, so while the trip was short, it was very meaningful.
All in all, the babies are making good progress. They are getting my breastmilk fortified, which means the nurses add calories to it. That way, the babies get more calories without having to consume more food. I guess it is pretty normal to do that with preemies. The kids all still have some reflux issues, which when I told my mom that, she said that they'd just call it being a spitty baby when we were kids. Anyway, they keep the isoletts proped up a bit, and that seems to help with the spitting.
They are all still being fed through a feeding tube, but hopefully we will try the bottle next week. Did I say that in another post? I honestly can't keep it all straight anymore.
Kevin and I sure do appreciate all the prayers that have been sent our way. We can feel them, and see them, too! I know we are truly blessed with our new family, and can't wait for you all to meet them soon.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
All is well
I figured it was time that I update you with information rather than just pictures. :)
Logan is back breathing just room air, so no more breathing tubes or CPAP machines! That is so awesome, I can't even tell you. They stopped his milk and formula feedings for a bit, but he is quickly catching up with his brothers in the food department.
All of the kids, except Logan, are off of their IVs. That's cool for a number of reasons, but for me it is just one more step towards their independence. I would guess that Logan will be done soon, too.
Yesterday they had sonograms done on their heads to see if there was any blood, and everything looked normal. YEAH Baby! Now we just have to get through the vision exam in a few weeks, and we'll be all good in the hood.
They are gaining weight, opening eyes, and wiggling more and more every day. When I am with them at the NICU, I get to take their temps and change their diapers. I think I will start to give them sponge baths soon, too. Tonight Carter pooped ALL OVER while I was changing him. It was pretty intense. Apparently, Seth is known for his gas among the nurses, too. Niiiice.
Before I was discharged from the hospital, my incision started leaking. They had to pack it and bandage it up good. Well, now it is infected, so I am now hooked up to a wound vac. Just when I thought I was done being hooked up to machines and pumps, this happens! They think it will take 3-4 weeks to heal with the help of the vac. I have to carry it around everywhere, too. I guess it could be worse....
I just heard that another set of quads were delivered in Omaha tonight (at Methodist Hospital). Their babies are small, so let's send some love and prayers their way. Good luck to their family!
Love and peace to you all.....
Logan is back breathing just room air, so no more breathing tubes or CPAP machines! That is so awesome, I can't even tell you. They stopped his milk and formula feedings for a bit, but he is quickly catching up with his brothers in the food department.
All of the kids, except Logan, are off of their IVs. That's cool for a number of reasons, but for me it is just one more step towards their independence. I would guess that Logan will be done soon, too.
Yesterday they had sonograms done on their heads to see if there was any blood, and everything looked normal. YEAH Baby! Now we just have to get through the vision exam in a few weeks, and we'll be all good in the hood.
They are gaining weight, opening eyes, and wiggling more and more every day. When I am with them at the NICU, I get to take their temps and change their diapers. I think I will start to give them sponge baths soon, too. Tonight Carter pooped ALL OVER while I was changing him. It was pretty intense. Apparently, Seth is known for his gas among the nurses, too. Niiiice.
Before I was discharged from the hospital, my incision started leaking. They had to pack it and bandage it up good. Well, now it is infected, so I am now hooked up to a wound vac. Just when I thought I was done being hooked up to machines and pumps, this happens! They think it will take 3-4 weeks to heal with the help of the vac. I have to carry it around everywhere, too. I guess it could be worse....
I just heard that another set of quads were delivered in Omaha tonight (at Methodist Hospital). Their babies are small, so let's send some love and prayers their way. Good luck to their family!
Love and peace to you all.....
Monday, January 19, 2009
Open eyes!
These are pictures taken today!
Today I have seen more open eyes among my kids than ever before! It is so awesome. I totally teared up the first time that Carter looked me in the eye. Now, I have read that they can't really see me, but I don't care. It was freaking cool.
The general update is that they all continue to make progress.
Logan still struggles with breathing, and is actually receiving some oxygen again. While it feels like a step back, he looks so much more at ease...his breathing isn't so labored. Because he is still struggling, they are going to hold off on giving him "food" and just give him nutrients through IV.
Carter is always chilling out and makes me smile. He has gained some weight and they have increased his feedings. His IV in the umbilical cord has come out and he now has one on his hand. Apparently that is a step forward....
Seth is gaining weight and they also increased his feedings. This is a good thing because it means that his body can handle the digestion. His eyes were looking around non stop today.
Lily also got her umbilical cord IV out, and moved it to her hands. She tried to take it out herself this afternoon which led to a blood bath. I am glad that I didn't walk in and see her covered in all that blood. I would have freaked out BIG TIME. The nurses cleaned her up and fixed the IV. What a punk. They also increased her feedings, but not as much as her two brothers (she is still too little to handle that much food).
They all are clear of the jaundice (or at a good level) so the blue lights are gone for now.
It was really tough leaving them at the hospital today....more than I thought it would. Kevin is now back in Sioux City working, and he and I had an evening ritual for saying goodnight to the babies. Until he comes back, I will just have to toughen up, right?
Even if I weren't alone, though, I miss my babies when I am not there. That is something I wasn't really prepared for--missing them at night. For now I will just have to settle on looking at pictures and distracting myself with movies.
I must get some rest now, before my next session of "milking" starts.
Love, Jessica
Friday, January 16, 2009
Update & More pictures
Lily Patricia Marie
Logan Steen
Mom and Lily Patricia Marie
The greatest news for us is that ALL of the babies are doing awesome. They are all free of any breathing assistance! How freaking cool is that?! The bummer is that we aren't really supposed to touch them, and definitely not rub or pat them...apparently their nerves aren't developed enough to handle that kind of stimulation, so they end up burning calories by being touched (I wish it were that easy for ME to burn calories!). The kids need to save all their calories for growing and energy for eating.
They are getting regular feedings through a tube in their nose that goes to their tummies. Two of them have a little bit of the jaundice and so they are tanning under a blue light with some sweet shades on (seriously).
Otherwise, in a week they are going to have sonograms of their heads (weird, if you ask me) and then in four weeks they will have some testing done on their eyes. Both of these tests are fairly standard for preemies, but we should be okay because they are "older" preemies.
I don't know if I have told you yet, but the babies are absolutely adorable! The Sioux City Journal is going to run a story on us sometime (maybe tomorrow, for all I know), Channel 9 is interviewing us tomorrow, and Channel 4 is interviewing me in Omaha on Sunday, and Kevin in Sioux City on Sunday afternoon.
We have had many visitors, which has been great. My mom, Kevin's parents, Vinnie and Helen, Patty and Joe, Mandy, Philip and Kelly, Gail, Leslie, and Emily (from my St. Matthew days!). have all been here to see the Fab Four. Tomorrow my step dad and sister Sarah are coming, as well as some of Kevin's family. Sunday I think two of my Sioux City aunts are coming, too! Of course, Renee has been visiting us via Skype. Let's just say we have a lot to show off here!
I don't know our plan for the future weeks yet. I THINK that I will be discharged tomorrow, but I'll stay in the area for a week. Then I will run home for a few days, get some things settled around the house (I haven't been there for almost 3 months) and then get back to the NICU to be with the kids. Kevin will be going back to work right away on Sunday or Monday. He is trying to save vacation time for when we bring the babies home for good!
It is about that time that I go to the NICU and visit my darling offspring. Love to you all!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
They're Here!
Last night Kevin and I (mostly I) had our babies!!! They all are doing really well. We haven't named them yet, as I couldn't see them very well from my bed. We will be taking care of that this morning, once they unhook me from all these tubes.
The babies weigh:
A: 3 lbs 7.5 oz
B: 2 lbs 15.5 oz
C: 3 lbs 3.5 oz
D 3 lbs 8.5 oz
These are all super awesome weights for 31 weeks and 1 day. I can't wait to see them again!!! I only have pictures of three from last night, but I'll get more up later today. The picture of me is from earlier in the day....I had no idea that would be the last day pregnant. And there is a picture of Kevin and I, belly to belly. :)
Thank you so much for your prayers and support. We couldn't have done it without you.
Love to you all.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Nearing the End....Hopefully
Now, there was a time when I would have been so vain that I wouldn't let these pictures of me get into anyone's hands, let alone the Internet. However, it is sooooo not about me anymore, just look at that belly! Holy cow. I don't think I believed it until I saw these for myself.
While the last few days have been pretty rough, I am hanging in there. I have a gal coming to give me a manicure and pedicure (need it seriously) tomorrow. Today my mother, father, and sister in law came to visit with my niece, and that was way fun. Tomorrow Uncle Vinnie and Pseudo Aunt Helen are coming, so there is always something to look forward to!!
I don't remember if I shared this or not, but they measured Baby D the other day, and they estimate that he weighs around 3 pounds 9 ounces, and Baby B is 2 pounds 8 ounces. This is petty good for both...they are in a healthy percentile, anyway...
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Creighton Loves Me and My Babies
Well, Tuesday night I found myself heading back to Creighton Med Center to be checked out for increased contractions. I think they just like me...or my insurance money (cuz they won't be able to get mine for a long time).
When we got here they started to monitor the babies, and they all looked great. My contractions were too close together, though, so they took me of the terb pump, and started me on magnesium. They have a term for what can happen to those on "the mag..." they call it magged out. Let's just say that I definitely hit that mark. They were giving me a very high dose to try to slow down the contractions, but when it started to make me sick, they had to stop. I didn't like being on "the mag," let me tell you! Yuck. I don't really remember Wednesday very much.
Early Tuesday morning they told Kevin and I that they were doing all they could at that point, and that if they didn't stop, we might be delivering soon. Luckily, it didn't come to that. The contractions slowed, I am back on my terb pump, and feeling much better.
Today (Thursday) they team from the clinic came down and did a biophysical on all babies. They, of course, are doing great. Baby D is even looking to weight 3 pounds and 9 ounces!!! That is super great, even for a singleton pregnancy. It also explains me severe discomfort and incredible weight gain this week....
The final news for tonight is that I will be staying in the hospital now until the babies are born. The doctors are not comfortable with me going home, as I am going to need closer monitoring these last few weeks. I am a bit relieved to be here, at any rate, because I was getting nervous about every little twinge and contraction. Now it is all in the hands of Creighton Med Center.
I hope that all is well with you and your families, and drop me a line anytime...
Love to you all.
When we got here they started to monitor the babies, and they all looked great. My contractions were too close together, though, so they took me of the terb pump, and started me on magnesium. They have a term for what can happen to those on "the mag..." they call it magged out. Let's just say that I definitely hit that mark. They were giving me a very high dose to try to slow down the contractions, but when it started to make me sick, they had to stop. I didn't like being on "the mag," let me tell you! Yuck. I don't really remember Wednesday very much.
Early Tuesday morning they told Kevin and I that they were doing all they could at that point, and that if they didn't stop, we might be delivering soon. Luckily, it didn't come to that. The contractions slowed, I am back on my terb pump, and feeling much better.
Today (Thursday) they team from the clinic came down and did a biophysical on all babies. They, of course, are doing great. Baby D is even looking to weight 3 pounds and 9 ounces!!! That is super great, even for a singleton pregnancy. It also explains me severe discomfort and incredible weight gain this week....
The final news for tonight is that I will be staying in the hospital now until the babies are born. The doctors are not comfortable with me going home, as I am going to need closer monitoring these last few weeks. I am a bit relieved to be here, at any rate, because I was getting nervous about every little twinge and contraction. Now it is all in the hands of Creighton Med Center.
I hope that all is well with you and your families, and drop me a line anytime...
Love to you all.
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