These are pictures taken today!
Today I have seen more open eyes among my kids than ever before! It is so awesome. I totally teared up the first time that Carter looked me in the eye. Now, I have read that they can't really see me, but I don't care. It was freaking cool.
The general update is that they all continue to make progress.
Logan still struggles with breathing, and is actually receiving some oxygen again. While it feels like a step back, he looks so much more at ease...his breathing isn't so labored. Because he is still struggling, they are going to hold off on giving him "food" and just give him nutrients through IV.
Carter is always chilling out and makes me smile. He has gained some weight and they have increased his feedings. His IV in the umbilical cord has come out and he now has one on his hand. Apparently that is a step forward....
Seth is gaining weight and they also increased his feedings. This is a good thing because it means that his body can handle the digestion. His eyes were looking around non stop today.
Lily also got her umbilical cord IV out, and moved it to her hands. She tried to take it out herself this afternoon which led to a blood bath. I am glad that I didn't walk in and see her covered in all that blood. I would have freaked out BIG TIME. The nurses cleaned her up and fixed the IV. What a punk. They also increased her feedings, but not as much as her two brothers (she is still too little to handle that much food).
They all are clear of the jaundice (or at a good level) so the blue lights are gone for now.
It was really tough leaving them at the hospital today....more than I thought it would. Kevin is now back in Sioux City working, and he and I had an evening ritual for saying goodnight to the babies. Until he comes back, I will just have to toughen up, right?
Even if I weren't alone, though, I miss my babies when I am not there. That is something I wasn't really prepared for--missing them at night. For now I will just have to settle on looking at pictures and distracting myself with movies.
I must get some rest now, before my next session of "milking" starts.
Love, Jessica
They are so adorable!!! Glad to hear everyone is doing well. You will all continue to be in my prayers. Congratulations!
Jenny M.
They are beautiful and I am so glad to hear that they are progressing and doing well.
Even if they can't technically see you, they sure know who their mama is. It's amazing how much you can love them even though you haven't known them all that long.
I know it breaks your heart every time you have to leave them. It'll get better and one of these days, they'll get to go with you.
Can't wait to meet them. Hopefully I will get to tomorrow. I am really glad to hear they are doing so well. You are already such a wonderful mother and I am sure Kevin is a fabulous daddy. See you soon.
Hey Jess. The babies are beautiful. Can't wait til we get to meet them I can only imagine having four all at once. Get your sleep while you can. They will all be home soon.
Like mother, like daughter.....
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