Kevin and I are proud to announce that all our boys have successfully transitioned to open cribs!! This, along with the bottle feedings, is a huge step! We are so freaking excited. Even though Lily is not in an open crib yet, she is well on her way. Her isolette temp is 28 degrees and she is eating from a bottle at least 3 times a day. All she needs to do is be closer to weighing 4 pounds and she'll be good to go like her brothers.
Carter, though he is doing well otherwise, still has a habit of freaking out his momma. Tonight after I had given him his bottle and was burping him, his heart rate decided to drop, and he started to turn blue. Thank God (seriously, thank you) that the nurse was standing right next to me...she told me what to do, and his heart rate came back up, and he started breathing better. While the nurses all reassure me that this is totally normal in preemies--that he is just experiencing some reflux that causes him to hold his breath and some spit up triggers some nerve to slow his heart--it totally freaked me out tonight. I even started to cry (yes, I am a wuss). What if this happens when he is at home, and I forget what to do? The nurses tell me that he'll have this eating thing down soon, and we won't have to worry about it anymore. However, these are the types of things that are going to cause me to be a way overprotective mother. I know it's true. I feel badly for anyone who babysits my kids.
Otherwise, everything is going great. I am spending most of my days at the NICU. I will miss the staff when I am gone....they are so awesome. Let me just say that I have never encountered such an awesome and loving staff of nurses in my life. I strongly recommend Creighton NICU (and their labor and delivery) to anyone. I spent a lot of time at CUMC, and am full of opinions...
Because this kids will be coming home soon, I am going back to Sioux City on Sunday to Monday to get the last bits in order...and to see the dermatologist. I feel like a "before" picture for Accutane. Oh, and it will be great to sleep in my own bed. :)
Peace to you all, and pray that Carter doesn't freak me out anymore....
Awesome! Glad to see how much everyone has grown and that they are all doing so well. See you soon!
Congratulations Jessica! We just got the news from the diocesan office this week! I have been wondering how things were progressing and wow! Here are four beautiful little blessings. May God keep continually keep you all safe and healthy! Hopefull we'll get to meet them all someday before they're at their first Youth Rally or NCYC:-) Peace Patty Frana, Calmar
If anyone can do this it's freaking you two!
God is so good!
Bill and Mavis
Jessica, I am so glad all is going well with the babes! So exciting to hear that Seth will be home very cool! I want you to know that I am available to help in any way that I can... I can come for a couple of days a week until whenever.. even if it's just doing laundry! :)
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