It seems as though Carter is ready to go home!! While we are a bit nervous to take him home, it will be great to have the family home again. I miss my babies.
Today they did an echo cardiogram on Carter, and his heart did have some minor abnormalities. He has a small hole between the upper chambers of his heart, which is totally normal for an infant his age. He also has a tiny amount of fluid in the sac around the heart, but it is not enough to worry about. There is a little thickening of the muscle in the left atrium and left ventricle, and the left ventricle is a little enlarged. All of these things, however, are not contributing to his recent situation. However, he will have another echo in a year. The cardiologist, overall, has a low index of worry and therefore so do I.
Last night I watched the movie Role Models, and laughed a LOT. I needed it. Tonight I hope to catch up on Grey's Anatomy. I haven't seen the last few episodes, and I want to see how this Izzy drama is going.....
I've been keeping Carter in my daily prayers - and all of you.
Laurie Dreier
Dad and I are watching it as we speak!! I LOVE that movie, SOOOO good for a laugh!! I'm happy to hear things are calming down a bit now with Carter, hopefully there aren't any more scares!! You're all still in our daily thoughts and prayers :)
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