Yeah, so one thing about motherhood that I never expected: Conversations about poop. I can't tell you how many of them I have a day! Furthermore, I can't believe how many of them are funny. I am growing to love poop stories. Ahhh....motherhood!
So, I am still here in Omaha with Carter. Kevin went back to Sioux City today...someone has to work to pay the bills.
Carter continues to have episodes of slowed (or stopped) breathing. Today he went 24 seconds without breathing, and once again it scared the poop out of me. I am supposed to wait 10 seconds before stimulating him (patting him, moving him, etc to get him to breath again) to see if he self corrects. He didn't, which means it is going to be more time here in the hospital. We are no longer in the ICU, but his condition is still pretty serious. I don't sleep much, but when I do it is filled with dreams of monitors and alarms. The doctors have decided to hold off on doing more tests until after Carter is over influenza. They do think something else might be at hand, other than the reflux. I just wish we knew what was going on with my little boy.
Even though Carter's health has it's terrifying moments, you wouldn't know it between episodes! He is adorable, and loves to smile at the nurses! He isn't fussy at all, which is amazing considering all the doctors, med students, and others coming in to see him all the time.
Yesterday was my original due date for the babies. I can't believe that they should just be being born now. Thank goodness they didn't make it that long. I would have been galactic! Lily is still the smallest at 7 pounds some ounces, but Seth now takes the lead at 8 pounds 11 ounces. Holy cow!
Well, I better try to get some rest before the 2am feeding comes along...
Carter sounds like such a sweetie -- I can´t wait to meet him! Here´s to hoping that he gets better soon and you can all go home!! :)
Glad to hear Carter is doing better. We'll pray you find some answers and both of you can go home and join the rest of the crew soon. We are thinking of all of you. Sara and Jason
Although I love that I get to see Carter so often (you know working here and all) I would gladly make the 2 hour drive to see all the babes and actually get to hold him!
I'm trying to help take good care of Jes and Carter, but the hospital is not a good place to get sleep or do anything I can much help with. We're all saying prayers that we get to ship you two back north!
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