Monday, December 21, 2009

Seth got pooped on...TWICE!

Today I went home over my lunch hour, and as I walked in I heard "OH, NO!" Lily had apparently pooped so much that it went up her back. But she didn't mind, so she kept playing and Seth's foot and leg ended up covered in poop. Sara took Lily into the tub to get cleaned, Renee took Seth to get cleaned, Ricky took a very sad and needy Logan, and Carter went into the pack and play while I cleaned a very poopy spot on the carpet. Then all was fine and dandy. We were eating lunch after a few minutes when Renee said, "OH, NO! Not again!" This time, Carter had poop up his back. Sara took him into the tub for cleaning, Ricky had Seth, Renee had Lily and Logan. I was, once again, cleaning more poop on the carpet. Then Ricky pointed out that Seth, once again, got pooped on. It was all over his leg. So I took his pants, and as I did I saw poop on the baby gate, and more poop on the carpet. Awesome. Ricky is now shampooing the carpet in the living room while the kids are all clean. Logan is the only baby who hasn't pooped on Seth today...we are still waiting on that one. I, on the other hand, went back to the office!


Unknown said...

Strange things happening in the Malm House.

You may be interested in this site:

BONUS: If you scroll all the way down, they printed all the lyrics to the "Diarrhea" song.

Nicole Buscher said...

OMG...hilarious. Poor Seth! I remember the days of poop up the back, but luckily I only had 1 child at a time to clean up after=)

Paula said...

Sounds like a "crappy" day!!!

Bridget Koerner said...

haha! too funny...