Well, Tuesday night I found myself heading back to Creighton Med Center to be checked out for increased contractions. I think they just like me...or my insurance money (cuz they won't be able to get mine for a long time).
When we got here they started to monitor the babies, and they all looked great. My contractions were too close together, though, so they took me of the terb pump, and started me on magnesium. They have a term for what can happen to those on "the mag..." they call it magged out. Let's just say that I definitely hit that mark. They were giving me a very high dose to try to slow down the contractions, but when it started to make me sick, they had to stop. I didn't like being on "the mag," let me tell you! Yuck. I don't really remember Wednesday very much.
Early Tuesday morning they told Kevin and I that they were doing all they could at that point, and that if they didn't stop, we might be delivering soon. Luckily, it didn't come to that. The contractions slowed, I am back on my terb pump, and feeling much better.
Today (Thursday) they team from the clinic came down and did a biophysical on all babies. They, of course, are doing great. Baby D is even looking to weight 3 pounds and 9 ounces!!! That is super great, even for a singleton pregnancy. It also explains me severe discomfort and incredible weight gain this week....
The final news for tonight is that I will be staying in the hospital now until the babies are born. The doctors are not comfortable with me going home, as I am going to need closer monitoring these last few weeks. I am a bit relieved to be here, at any rate, because I was getting nervous about every little twinge and contraction. Now it is all in the hands of Creighton Med Center.
I hope that all is well with you and your families, and drop me a line anytime...
Love to you all.
Dang girl I've been watching your page for two weeks waiting for an update! Thank goodness Aunt Marilyn is right across the hall and keeping all of us here at the Chancery up to speed on your status. Hang in there! Enjoy the pampering you're receiving by the nurses and medical staff!
Hey Girl! Glad to hear they're sticking tight for a little while longer:) You, Kevin, and the babies are in my thoughts and prayers:-)
Sarah's been doing a good job of keeping us updated via facebook :) But like so many others I've been frantically checking this blog for updates too lol!! Can't wait for this journey to be over and your next to begin!!!
Jessica: All those prayers are helping those babies to grow! I told you at the shower you were good at this whole baby growin' thing!
I know this time is difficult right now being magged out at all, but you are really amazing!!! 31 weeks!!! Let me know what you need around Sioux City.
Kathryn Fairchild
Hey Jes I been waitn too. Y'ALL are in our prayers. Vinnie has sat and sun off we might be head n down to see this for ourselves. Sara is great at keeping the communication open. Try to relax and let them babies bake a lil longer. Let me know if I can bring u anything.
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