Friday, November 7, 2008

Ready or not, here we come!

Today I am 21 weeks and 3 days pregnant. While I think that adding the days is bit much, I know that it makes me feel as though we have accomplished something every 24 hours. I am reminded of Bill Murray's character in What about Bob? when he is always taking baby steps...little goals so he doesn't get overwhelmed by the world. In his case, it was germs. In our case, it is getting to 34 weeks, the best time for our babies to be born.

Tuesday I went in for my regular weekly ultrasound, and unfortunately my cervix had shortened and there was "funneling." The official condition is incompetent cervix. Nice. Just what a woman wants to hear. So, the doctor sent me to Omaha right away, I checked into Creighton Med Center, and they started to monitor for contractions. I wasn't having that many ....nothing to really worry about, anyway. The next morning, I was headed for surgery. I have heard that you lose all your modesty when you are pregnant, but I had NO IDEA of the extent.

Anyway, the surgery went very well. They put a stitch (like a pull string purse) on my cervix to keep the babies in. My favorite part was at the beginning, as they were giving me the spinal, they had me sitting facing a wall with a LONG table of instruments on it. None of the instruments were anything I ever had seen before, nor did I like to think that they would be anywhere near my body. Then my doctor goes to the table, picks one up, and says, "Let's try to do this without the instructions today! What do you think?" I like it that he has a sense of humor.

They followed with an ultrasound of the babies, and they still are doing great. Excellent heartbeats and everything.

They kept me in the hospital for another night, and I was released yesterday to my brother's house in Council Bluffs. I was very glad for Aunt Patty, Cousin Mandy, and the twins making a visit after Kevin had to return to Sioux City.

Kevin will come to visit us on Wednesdays and Thursdays, but I will be missing him the rest of the time.

My favorite part about Creighton's hospital: It is a Catholic institution, right? There was a crucifix on the wall and everything. Then, on the side table, there was a Bible. A Gideon's Bible. They aren't Catholic! It's the total wrong translation! You'd think the diocese could spring for a good ol' New American Bible. Someone's going to hear about this!

Well, that's all for now. I am still working for the diocese as long as I can, and I need to get caught up with our summer camp registration website!

Peace to you all.


Mark Lawler said...

Jessica and Kevin,

A) I'm okay with what's been posted so far about the cervix stuff, so for now, keep the graphic stuff on there. It's part of the story, so it must be told.

2) I still can't believe it's happening. I feel like I'm on the other end of a prank and everyone but me knows you really don't have quads.

D) Let's just say it is happening....I'm so happy for you and Kevin that God realized you two will be so great for these beautiful and loved kids. I'm sure the days aren't easy, but I know you have faith, hope and love. What more do you need?

Very glad for the updates! Godspeed, Jessica LaFleur-Malm.


P.S. Wow! Am I the first reader to comment on your blog??? This might be the greatest honor of my life! Of course, I've never blogged before, so I'm not sure what button to click next or anything.

Jillian E Frideres said...

Hey Jessica and Kevin,
I am SO glad you guys are blogging about this little (and when I say little, I mean enormous!) adventure you guys are on!! And the fact that they have non-Catholic bibles at Creighton cracks me up! Good luck....I can´t wait to read more!
Much love,

Kyle said...

Hey, Jessica and Kevin,

I've been thinking about you guys a lot, and it's great to have this update. I'm also glad to see that you know Calvin and Hobbes is the best comic strip!

Al the best,

Dee Dee said...

My second graders are so glad to finally be able to put a picture with the name of the person that they've been praying for...don't worry...I censored the information! Dee Dee

Bridget Koerner said...

I'm glad to hear you're doing well! I've been thinking about you and your brood often, so this blog will help keep us all up to date. I'll try to keep some of the technologically challenged Koerner's in the loop as well:o)
Much Love,

Anonymous said...

Jessica, I'm so happy you have a blog so I can read all your updates!! You've been in my thoughts and prayers the past few months and I hope you make it to 34 weeks!

kristin kramer said...

You know I'm always bugging you for the updates. So...I'm happy. Thanks. And it reminds me to keep the prayers coming for your family!

Tina Malm said...

I do not if my other one went thru but I'm glad to hear everything went good the other day, I will be talking to youe soon. It alkso crackes me up about the bibles, and only you would put a Harry Potter Trivia on your blog!!!!
Talk to you later,
Tina and the gang

Ceil said...

Thanks for including me in your blog. You, Kevin and your fab four continue in my thoughts and prayers. Now it will be nice to keep up to date on your progress. Enjoy your bed rest while you can! Have a blessed day!

Pat said...

Jessica and Kevin,

Was so glad to get the blog. I certainly have you in my thougths and prayers. I told the PREP students about you and we will be praying for you every Wed. I love the fab four. Keep the e-mails coming. pat

Laurie D. said...

Hi Jessica,
I'm so glad to see this blog! All 6 of you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers! Yeah, even using my special BLUE rosary! I love it that the kids are playing WWF in there! Haha! Tap Out! Haha! Keep on marking those days off the calendar!
Peace and Love,
Laurie D.