Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Well, the kids are now officially "members of God's family." Well, that's the way we learned what baptism was when I was a kid at least. :) Believe it or not, NONE of the babies cried AT ALL during the baptism....I couldn't believe it.

They all wore gowns that their aunt Renee made. Lily's dress was made out of the train from my wedding dress, and the bonnets for the boys and Lily were made from my wedding dress lining. She did a wonderful job...

God bless Kevin's family for hanging in there for another Catholic event. I am glad they understand how important this is to me and Kevin.

Here are pictures from the Sacrament. The top is Philip and Renee with Seth. Next is Joe and Drake with Carter. Then Kelly and Corey with Logan. Finally is Sarah and Scott with Lily.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First of all congratulations on the birth of the quads. It was quite exciting to find out we had relatives who had these great babies. You may not remember me, Jessica, but I am Beth Ford, (one of the Klebers) a cousin of your dad. Uncle Ray says he is really enjoying the babies and he also told me about the baptism. Wish I would have known about it before hand, I might have tried to make it to church for that glorious event. I would love to come see the babies some day. I know a lot of your dad's cousins would be happy to get pics of them. And I just wanted to add how much you look like your Grandma Pat. My email is sisterbeth43@yahoo.com. I would be willing to come help sometime as long as it is at a time when I have transportation. I miss my grandbabies, so would love to help with someone elses.