Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Finally together

After 12 weeks, the Fab Four are finally all sleeping in the same room. Carter, because of his monitor, has been sleeping in our bedroom, while Seth, Lily, and Logan have been in the nursery. After last week's trip to the hospital and examination of the heart and apnea monitor strip, we discovered that Carter hasn't had any real episodes since his influenza incident. So Kevin and I decided that it was time for him to move into a crib!

Renee and I put the crib together and in he went. It was weird not having him in the room with us....or me sleeping on the sofa with him on the floor next to me as the case had been. It was a good night. Well, mostly. Logan was up off and on.... However, they did sleep from 10:00pm to 2:00 am, which is really great. We like that. Just another step closer to all night...

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