Monday, October 5, 2009

NICU Reunion

On Saturday, my brother Philip and my mom helped me bring the kids back to Creighton Hospital to attend a NICU reunion. It was great to see the nurses that helped our kids grow and stay healthy! Here is a picture that Philip took before we left his's too bad Carter is blurry, but the way he moves, I don't know how we will ever get any good pictures!! The other picture is their 6 month photo, compliments of Genelli's Studio here in Sioux City. Yes, the kids are ALWAYS in birth order, if I am the one taking the picture!


Renee said...

Are Carter and Logan holding hands?
Super cute.

Sarah said...

I think they are doing a fist bump.

Anonymous said...

You kids are so adorable!!!! They appear to enjoy life with lots of smiles!!! Sara & Jason