Friday, January 8, 2010

The Bean's Turn

Yesterday Lily took her first steps! In the morning I was playing with her and I got her to take ONE little step. After that, she was done. Then when I got home I was cooking dinner in the kitchen and Kevin was playing with one of the boys. I happened to look over, and there my Lilybean was, walking! I saw her take three steps completely on her own. I shouted (a little too loudly) for Kevin to look and startled her. She took one more step and fell. My little girl is growing up!

We are slowly starting to introduce the kids to table food. They seem to be hungrier for food and less excited about the bottle. So, that's cool!

I was at my mom's last weekend, and it was great. It was a TOTAL circus, but great. I love it when my sister's girls play with our kids. :)

I hope you had a Merry Christmas and brought in the New Year warmly!

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